Faunistic Results


The last 10 years I caught and identified flies (Diptera) with more or less constant effort but with (well) increasing skills, and therefore with increasing speed. The total amount of 20377 specimens is apportioned to 1721 species of which 1645 are documented in the Gallery. I left species undocumented mostly because I was'nt sufficiently sure about my identification and the photos were too bad to ask someone else, and in all cases I still hope to catch a better specimen.

Below you see a table of places where I caught flies together with some simple numbers. The place names are links to the species list with some additional information. As diversity indices I chose the "Simpson Index", because it is easy to understand (probability, that any 2 specimens belong to the same species), the entropy of mixing (also called "Shannon Index") and the "Evenness", the entropy normalized by its maximum value when all species are equally abundant.

Name Place Specimens Species Only Here Simpson Entropy Evenness Subsurface
Garden on request
10566 1136 535 0.0312 5.2701 0.7491 bunter
Weinberg von Neuengronau N50.27709° E9.61496° 3359 660 168 0.0087 5.5301 0.8518 limestone
Westerngrund von Neuengronau N50.26654° E9.58626°
4406 682 192 0.0106 5.3936 0.8266 bunter
Ratzerod N50.29290° E9.55136°
1405 348 69 0.0198 4.8783 0.8336 bunter
Schmale Sinn N50.26973° E9.65062°
191 62 8 0.1180 3.0455 0.7379 bunter
Wildacker N50.25373° E9.59741°
78 32 3 0.1529 2.6814 0.7737 bunter
Stoppelsberg N50.32831° E9.67756°
240 97 14 0.0257 4.1181 0.9002 basalt
Stiftes/Haag N50.31891° E9.70967°
129 37 7 0.1194 2.8357 0.7853 basalt

20377 1721
0.0112 5.8857 0.7900
... with photos

Expected Number of Species ± σ(Chao1):


Possibly I'm overly reluctant to do statistical comparisons of, e.g. rarefied samples. In the last two chapters below you can read why.

The final conclusion after all these statistical conjectures and criticisms: the total number of Diptera species in this region is definitely not below 2000, but rather somewhere between 2500 and 3000.