Scripts Used

Working with large series of photos, it soon becomes clear that using GUIs is too cumbersome and time consuming. So I wrote some scripts to automatize all tasks, except those which must be done by the user, like rotating and cropping. The main entry point is, which is embedded to a file browser. The screenshot below shows the directory with the original photos on the left and the directory containing the created files in web format on the right.

The first call to webbify opens all photos from the directory in GIMP and does the preliminary stuff, like applying a white balance or creating a scalebar (see below). What's left to do by hand is mostly to close the bad photos, to rotate and to crop the better ones, and to move the scalebar to an appropriate position. On the second call to webbify all photos are sharpened and scaled, and the thumbnails are created. Finally we have to choose one photo as representative of the series in the overview one directory above. This is done by a third call to webbify in the target directory. Additionally, depending on your settings (see, all web stuff is created and uploaded to a server. is called from the command line and is mostly a wrapper to call align_image_stack and enfuse with the right parameters. With option "-mag" a parameter defining a scalebar is added to the EXIF header of the .jpg file. Zoom magnifications from the binocular are intrapolated from data in

To use them yourself unpack webbify.tar.gz into $HOME/bin and edit the file The comments in this file should make that simple. If you feel easy with scripting languages, you'll probably just extract some pieces of code, like the part controlling GIMP via the server socket, and embed them into your own environment. Otherwise ask me. To my knowledge all used components are platform independent.

Personal note: Using closed source software is a bad choice in scientific work, as nobody can know what it does, except the programmer.