Dear Visitor,

this site contains photo series showing characters needed to identify Diptera to species level. It has been created to simplify communication with specialists, I'm asking to check my identification attempts. If this is your first visit on this site, please keep in mind that many groups have not been seen by a specialist and the names given are not reliable.

The geographic range covered, is simply the place where I live: Gemeinde Sinntal in the northeastern part of the Spessart in Germany. Contact me for details.

As you can easily see, the site is currently just a stub, consisting of the photo series and some recipes how to make them. A lot of important
information (literature used, remarks concerning ID) is still missing. This is supposed to change - when I have time...

Diptera Gallery / Last Additions
Some Psyllids
Faunistic Results
Usage of the Gallery
Methods, Equipment, Chemicals
Basic Introduction
Working at Higher Resolution

No need to say that all kinds of taxonomic help, comments, questions, are highly welcome.
Dr. Jürgen Kappert

Copyright: In general I don't see a problem, if you want to use my photos in your own work, but only after you've received my explicit written consent. I disagree to show them on commercial websites (containing ads), not even as a thumbnail.

Change Log:
10. 1. 2025: the "Last Additions" select now by date of upload, not date of catching.
9. 1. 2025: "remarks" about anything can now be added below the "Id" column, a possible CO1-sequence apears now at the bottom.
1. 1. 2022: Opened "Diptera Gallery" for specimens from everywhere. Currently (24.4.2022): 1949 species.
1. 3. 2021: Operated a Malaise Trap until November 2021 for comparison in Offenbach.
1. 3. 2020: Operated a Malaise Trap until November 2020 in Westerngrund; estimated end of IDs: 2026.
15. 1. 2020: Last Update of the "Faunistic Results" until end of 2019
15.12.2018: Updated the "Faunistic Results" until end of 2018. 26.1.2018: Added "Last Additions" feature
24.1.2018: Updated the "Faunistic Results" until end of 2017. This is still not a final format.
31.1.2017: Added links to CO1-Sequences ("barcodes") received from GBOL (See "Usage of the Gallery")
22. 1. 2017: Updated the "Faunistic Results" until end of 2016.